Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photo Competition!!!

Today we started our day with morning praise at the Bowl.  Singing praises to the Lord was a great way to start our day!  After morning praise, our photo challenge kicked off.  Each cabin was given a list with different categories and point values to complete.  Categories like gross photos, song videos, rainbow photos, and watermelon photos were a few of the favorites.  In the end, cabin 7 and cabin 9 ended up winning the competition with a grand total of 135 and 157 points.

Besides all the silly photos taking place, we still enjoyed other activities like swimming, archery, and outdoor sports in which we played water balloon volleyball.  Sports specialty also played football, the horseback girls were at the stables again, sign language specialty practiced their signs, and MAD camp practiced their musical.

Our evening game had an intense round of tug-o-war in which the campers versed the staff.  The campers proved their strength, as they won all but one time.  Campfire then concluded our night with lots of messes!

Our passage of the day comes from 1 John 5:3--

This is love for God: to obey his commands.  And his commands are not burdensome.

Devotion leader, Ben Ihlen, showed us how when we fill our lives with other, worldly things, there is no room left for God.  That is why it is so important to be constantly examining our priorities to make sure there is always room for our Heavenly Father.

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