Friday, June 29, 2012

Feast and Fun

Our last full day of camp ended with a bang! Not literally. Instead the campers celebrated the last day of camp (and the hot, humid weather) with lots of fun water activities. Some campers woke up early to swim across the lake. Congratulations to our super swimmers! One session of Schleef Encounters played Canoe Dodgeball. Players in canoes tried to knock a rubber ducky off of the front of a rowboat by throwing balls at it while avoiding the counter assault from the campers on the row boat. Campers had a blast swimming and diving into the lake during swim period and some cabins even used their free time to have an extra swim period. Finally, today concluded the Water Challenge. Cabins who had every camper drink at least one full glass of water at meals and then another glass between meals dumped buckets of ice water on their counselors. The campers laughed, the counselors chilled, and ice filled the backs of their shirts. 

The verse for today was:

Matthew 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again,  and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." 

The morning password focused on how we are going to heaven, HOORAY! The last campfire of the week is called the Praise and Worship Campfire and has a more worshipful tone than the silly skits and songs of other campfires. Today's focused on how sometimes we put things in this world like televisions shows, texting or games like Angry Birds ahead of serving God and living in him. The staff acted out of a skit about a boy who didn't want to go to church or help others and paralleled it to the story of the rich ruler who would not give up his wealth. The campers showed great maturity in paying attention to the campfire and their praise-filled voices filled the air. What a great group of kids we were blessed with this week!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photo Competition!!!

Today we started our day with morning praise at the Bowl.  Singing praises to the Lord was a great way to start our day!  After morning praise, our photo challenge kicked off.  Each cabin was given a list with different categories and point values to complete.  Categories like gross photos, song videos, rainbow photos, and watermelon photos were a few of the favorites.  In the end, cabin 7 and cabin 9 ended up winning the competition with a grand total of 135 and 157 points.

Besides all the silly photos taking place, we still enjoyed other activities like swimming, archery, and outdoor sports in which we played water balloon volleyball.  Sports specialty also played football, the horseback girls were at the stables again, sign language specialty practiced their signs, and MAD camp practiced their musical.

Our evening game had an intense round of tug-o-war in which the campers versed the staff.  The campers proved their strength, as they won all but one time.  Campfire then concluded our night with lots of messes!

Our passage of the day comes from 1 John 5:3--

This is love for God: to obey his commands.  And his commands are not burdensome.

Devotion leader, Ben Ihlen, showed us how when we fill our lives with other, worldly things, there is no room left for God.  That is why it is so important to be constantly examining our priorities to make sure there is always room for our Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Heat Wave!

Today the Australian outback heated up!  Swimming to cool off was a much desired past time and a favorite activity.  Besides swimming, archery and disc golf were also fun!  In outdoor sports, water games like drip, drip, drench, and others that utilized squirt guns were also a hit.  Sign language specialty practiced signing sentences, while the horseback girls had another terrific time at the stables.  Sports specialty played some intense games of soccer and basketball, and the MAD campers practiced writing some songs for their developing musical.  Schleef encounters let us relax a little, as we played a card game called Werewolves in the shade of the tree deck.

Our campfire tonight was set in the middle of a chicken store.  Let's just say their was one loud, obnoxious chicken, a funny cashier, some crazy kids, and an overbearing manager!

The campfire ended with an awesome devotion given by Nate Moldenhauer.  In his devotion, we were reminded to not focus on worldly things because ultimately they pass away.  Instead, we need to set our hearts on heavenly things because they are what matter for our eternal salvation.  Our verse for tonight came from 1 John 2: 15--

Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Models are Here!

Today was another beautiful day that contained many fun-filled activities.  Cabins 8F and 4 had an early morning departure, as they loaded a bus to leave for rock climbing at Devils Lake!  How exciting!!  The horseback riding girls also left this morning to ride horses at the stable.  Music and Drama and sign language specialties also kicked off this morning.  The campers seemed to really enjoy themselves.

The Son Shine campers also did some great activities in the morning like swimming, archery, painting pottery, and having free time filled with creative activities.  In the afternoon, they played pinball basketball in outdoor sports, disc golfed with Jason Schleef, and cabins 8B and 9 did a marvelous job on the high ropes course.

Our evening ended with a game in the woods in which the aboriginees (staff) were playing against two teams (hot and cold) of campers.  The hot team won!  Octavius and Jerard then starred as models on the runway in campfire.  We ended with a devotion based on the passage:

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in  my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
--Psalm 139:13-14

With this passage in mind, we were reminded that we are God own craftsmanship.

Monday, June 25, 2012

And We're Off...

Today was a gorgeous, sun-shiney day on the Australian outback here at Camp Phillip!  After Bible study, Cabin 6F was on the way to the stables, while the rock climbers challenged themselves on the low ropes course.  The rest of the cabins had fun playing a real life version of Werewolves, shooting arrows on the archery range, swimming in the Mill Pond, and playing basketball.

The afternoon was full of more adventures.  Cabins 6B and 5 had lots of fun climbing Jacobs Ladder on the high ropes course, while the other cabins played loop-a-roo in outdoor sports, disc golfed with Jason Schleef, and swam at the lakefront.  Sports specialty also kicked off a good game of football.

Our evening ended with an all-camp game called Sabotage and later a romantic-inspired campfire in which we danced around quite a bit!  Our devotion for the night came from 1 John 1:9--

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

From this passage, we learned that God never changes, so we never have to feel self-conscious coming to Him and admitting our sins.  Because He is just and faithful, our sins will always be forgiven.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome Son Shine and Specialty Campers!

This afternoon we welcomed a new bunch of campers into our outback!  We have Son Shine campers along with sports, horseback, M(usic)A(nd)D(rama), rock climbing, and sign language specialty campers.

After learning some general rules of camp, we played some Australian kickball, sang some upbeat songs, and posed for creative cabin photos.

We ended the night with a dingo-inspired campfire that concluded with a devotion given by Jason Schleef.  Our devotion focused on this passage:

If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.
     --1 John 1:6

With this passage in mind, Jason taught us the difference between being a true Christian and being a Pharisee.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Aboriginee Invasion, Part 2

Today we started out the morning with a great password devotion given by Brett Schommer.  The passage we focused on came from Psalm 133:1--

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

Brett reminded us about how important it is to live in unity with one another on this Earth in order to let our lights shine bright for Jesus.  True unity is what bonds us all together, making us one in Christ.

The morning then carried on with cabins 8f, 8b, and 9 completing some challenges at the ropes course, while the other cabins played disc golf and shot archery at our archery range.  In the afternoon, jumping off the raft during swim time and playing water frisbee was a lot of fun!  Outdoor sports also kept us busy, playing Bula Ball, Giants/Wizards/Elves, and Highlander.

Our evening  ended with another all camp game, in which the we had to cleanse all the aboriginee natives (staff members) of their diseases by throwing them in the lake.  At campfire we sang some heartfelt songs and were again reminded of what Christian unity looks like and why that is important for us.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Aboriginee Invasion

Today we started the day off very active with many different activities.  Cabins 1, 2, 10, and 11 were working together on the low ropes course all morning long.  One notable moment was when they did trolley races which were led by Justin Heise and Kristen Carow.  While these cabins were rocking it at the ropes course, the other cabins were shooting archery and playing disc golf with leader Brett Schommer.

The afternoon was also very pleasant.  We swam in the lake and played many fun games like screaming yellow zonkers, spud, and needle and thread in outdoor sports.  We also tried to start fires in Bible study.  Let's just say some were successful and some weren't.

Our evening game had us protecting some precious treasure from the dangerous aboriginees.  A
Facebook-friendly campfire ended our night with a devotion from David Marquardt.  He focused on the passage:

And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jeruusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls.
       --Joel 2:32

With our focus on this passage we learned that although we know God has forgiven our sins, it does not mean we have free reign as Christians to sin all we want.  Instead, we need to live godly lives and ask the Lord for forgiveness and help each and every day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Welcome Son Rise 1

Late this afternoon all our new Son Rise campers showed up at camp ready for a great half week!

After learning some of the GOSPEL rules, we played an intense game of Australian kickball that was led by Benjamin Ihlen.  For the rest of the night, the game of Bula Ball was the choice activity.

Our campfire was very "touristy," showing us China in all its fame and glory.  Campfire ended with a wonderful devotion based on Micah 6:8:

He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

With our focus on this verse, we realized that although we may feel helpless or hopeless about many of the sins we do, God has forgiven us of them by sending his son to die on the cross for us.  Therefore, we want to live our  lives for Him.

The Final Evening

Yesterday was another hot day in the Australian outback.  

Fortunately, everybody was looking forward to swim time with lifeguards Keely Keese and Joseph Garbe.  Outdoor sports with David Marquardt was another hit, as we played water games to keep us cool.  The car wash game was especially loved by all.  Campers (cars) were first soaked with sponges to be "pre-washed", then hit with giant pool noodles to be "washed", and then sprayed by the sprinkler to complete the "rinse" cycle.

Animal charades for creation encounters was under the shady trees on the tree deck in Kansas.  What a nice relaxing but fun time it was!  

We ended our night with different skits on the stage in which campers prepared ahead of time with their cabins.  We heard some about David and Goliath, Doggy Kickball, Sweet Fairies, Manly Men, and many more.  The Pee Wees also joined in by performing their Australia song.  A sing-a-long campfire ended the night in which we focused on this passage:

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last.
          --John 15:16a

In this passage we learned about what it means to bear good fruit in our lives as Christians.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Crocs are Everywhere!

Despite the hot, humid weather here in the Australian outback, we managed to have ourselves a very fun day! 

Outdoor sports with Kate Zabrowski included many animals such as kangaroos, crocodiles, and joeys.  Throughout the games, there were many stops at the watering hole in order to keep ourselves hydrated.

As one may guess, swimming was the favorite activity of the day.  It was very enjoyable to splash around and cool down in the lake!

In creation encounters we took a hike and caught frogs at King Kongs booger!  Later we made some aboriginee drums in crafts.

Besides all these great activities we learned about how we, as Christians, need to really listen and obey all God's commands.  It is not enough to simply hear them. 

"He replied, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.'"
        --Luke 11:28

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Welcome Fledglings and Pee Wees!

Today we finally kicked off our first week of summer camp by welcoming the fledgling and pee wee campers!  We started out the afternoon playing some fun Australian games and learning some of the rules of camp.

After eating a delicious dinner and snack,we heard some great cabin cheers and met Scott Walkabouter (Ben Ihlen)--the famous crocodile hunter from Australia!  His adventure stories were interesting, and we even met his pet kangaroo.

Our evening ended with a devotion from Justin Heise, which reminded us that God is out shepherd, soldier, and king--some of the same roles that David talks about in the book of Psalms.  Just like God worked faith in David's heart, he also has worked faith into our own.

Teach me your way, LORD,
that I may rely on your faithfulness;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
               --Psalm 86:11