Today we started the day off very active with many different activities. Cabins 1, 2, 10, and 11 were working together on the low ropes course all morning long. One notable moment was when they did trolley races which were led by Justin Heise and Kristen Carow. While these cabins were rocking it at the ropes course, the other cabins were shooting archery and playing disc golf with leader Brett Schommer.
The afternoon was also very pleasant. We swam in the lake and played many fun games like screaming yellow zonkers, spud, and needle and thread in outdoor sports. We also tried to start fires in Bible study. Let's just say some were successful and some weren't.
Our evening game had us protecting some precious treasure from the dangerous aboriginees. A
Facebook-friendly campfire ended our night with a devotion from David Marquardt. He focused on the passage:
And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jeruusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls.
--Joel 2:32
With our focus on this passage we learned that although we know God has forgiven our sins, it does not mean we have free reign as Christians to sin all we want. Instead, we need to live godly lives and ask the Lord for forgiveness and help each and every day.
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